Monday, July 14, 2008

Graphite Shafts

I used to have an issue with graphite club shafts. They tended to be "whippy" and not very durable. The "whippy:" part used to drive me crazy. I used to get the feeling that the club head was always to far behind the shaft. As a result, I would attempt to compensate mid-swing and hit some ugly golf shot. I once even snapped the head off of a graphite shafted 2 iron. Needless to say, I hurried back to steel shafted clubs.

Today's graphite shafts are better thanks to advances in graphite shaft technology. Graphite shafts rival steel in durability. Compared to steel, an identical club head on a graphite shaft can give you an additional 2 - 3 mph in club head speed and 6-12 yards in distance.


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