Featured Article Demo Golf Clubs - How To Pick The Best Clubs To Suit Your Game Author: Dan Mason Demo golf clubs are very popular today as many golfers are very serious about what kind of golf clubs they play in order to improve their game. Here are some important tips for what to look for when trying out demo golf clubs in your search to find the best golf clubs for your game. First of all, keep in mind when you're first buying a set of golf clubs, it is a very important investment. Your golf game is very reliant on what kind of golf clubs will you plan, and if you make the wrong decision, you'll pay the price for quite some time. It is never easy too take clubs back once you've bought them, so you'd better get this right the first time. First of all, the brand is the biggest factor. Quite simply, there are many different golf brands available, such as Callaway, Taylor Made, Titleist, and many smaller type brands. When you go to purchase one of the larger brands, while you will pay more money, you can be absolutely certain your data best quality. However, if you are able to do your research, and can spot good deals, you can actually get clubs are just as good as these top brands for a much cheaper price if you go with one of the lesser known brands. First of all, after you've gotten the right brand, now focus on the size of the golf clubs. This is absolutely the most important thing after you've picked the brand, because this will help you to make the best swing possible. If you have golf clubs that are either too long or too short for you come you'll never achieve your full potential. For this, you might want to think about going out for club fitting, where a teaching pro will help you analyze your swing and find the new customizable set of demo golf clubs that are perfect for you. Another great way to find the best set of golf clubs available is to take the Internet and read reviews about whichever clubs you're considering. The Internet is a great way for you to quickly find out information about literally hundreds of different kind of golf clubs, including the price, shaft, size, etc. Once you've done your search, then simply go and read reviews about people who are currently using those golf clubs or use them in the past, and find out how they work for them. Also keep in mind, consider the customer service of the clubs you are considering purchasing as well. Use these tips when trying out demo golf clubs, and find the best clubs for you and your game.
 Article Page Main Golf Articles Golf Sites Featured Article Demo Golf Clubs - How To Pick The Best Clubs To Suit Your Game Author: Dan Mason Demo golf clubs are very popular today as many golfers are very serious about what kind of golf clubs they play in order to improve their game. Here are some important tips for what to look for when trying out demo golf clubs in your search to find the best golf clubs for your game. First of all, keep in mind when you're first buying a set of golf clubs, it is a very important investment. Your golf game is very reliant on what kind of golf clubs will you plan, and if you make the wrong decision, you'll pay the price for quite some time. It is never easy too take clubs back once you've bought them, so you'd better get this right the first time. First of all, the brand is the biggest factor. Quite simply, there are many different golf brands available, such as Callaway, Taylor Made, Titleist, and many smaller type brands. When you go to purchase one of the larger brands, while you will pay more money, you can be absolutely certain your data best quality. However, if you are able to do your research, and can spot good deals, you can actually get clubs are just as good as these top brands for a much cheaper price if you go with one of the lesser known brands. First of all, after you've gotten the right brand, now focus on the size of the golf clubs. This is absolutely the most important thing after you've picked the brand, because this will help you to make the best swing possible. If you have golf clubs that are either too long or too short for you come you'll never achieve your full potential. For this, you might want to think about going out for club fitting, where a teaching pro will help you analyze your swing and find the new customizable set of demo golf clubs that are perfect for you. Another great way to find the best set of golf clubs available is to take the Internet and read reviews about whichever clubs you're considering. The Internet is a great way for you to quickly find out information about literally hundreds of different kind of golf clubs, including the price, shaft, size, etc. Once you've done your search, then simply go and read reviews about people who are currently using those golf clubs or use them in the past, and find out how they work for them. Also keep in mind, consider the customer service of the clubs you are considering purchasing as well. Use these tips when trying out demo golf clubs, and find the best clubs for you and your game.
 Article Page Main Golf Articles Golf Sites Featured Article Are Ladies Golf Clubs All That Different From Mens Clubs ? Author: Len McGrane Around 22 percent of the country's 26 million adult golfers are women. That's a lot of ladies playing a game they were once locked out of -- 5.7 million to be exact. And with the likes of young wonder golfer, Michelle Wei, making an impact, more women can be expected to be seen in the years to come swinging their special ladies golf clubs on the fairways and greens you play on. There are some distinct differences between ladies golf clubs and those men use. There have to be, of course. A woman has wider hips and more mass and weight in the chest, so her swing is going to be different. Also, women are generally weaker, so their clubs need to be lighter with heads that allow for the difference. And so on. Here's a list of the differences you will notice (or not see, because it's hidden in the design and materials) between the clubs of the two sexes. Ladies golf clubs: - are made of graphite and therefore have more flex, which helps them to get more power onto the ball at impact
- will have a larger sweet spot and a lower center of gravity, to help get the ball in the air
- may be shorter by one inch or even one and a half inches, although height (only) determines the length of the shaft, not the gender of the player, so really a lady's club does not have to be shorter
- are lighter
- have smaller heads
- have less club speed
- come in feminine colors like red, gold, pastel, pink, beige and so on
- have shorter grips because a woman's hands are almost always finer and smaller than a man's
It was not always like this. Golf can be said to date from the time of Julius Caesar, when wooden branches were shaped for the clubs and only men played. And there were no women's clubs when the first woman known to have played the game, the lively, Mary Queen of Scots, played in the 1550s. (As a side note, it's from Mary we seem to have got the name 'caddie', and in her day the magnificent course at St Andrews was built. I'm not sure if she ever played there, but if not, then no woman did until the man-only course opened to lady golfers almost 400 years later.) Women began playing in their own golf tournaments in the UK in 1893, and in the US and Australia the following year, and with this rise in women playing it is probable that shorter and more stylish clubs were being made for them. It is no secret that today clubs for women are a major part of all the big brand companies' inventories and sales.
 Article Page Main Golf Articles Golf Sites Featured Article Discount Golf Clubs - Brand Name Clubs At An Affordable Price Author: Tim Gorman Every person is happy when they hear the word discount. Discount means that the object they are buying is not going to cost full price, so they in turn get a price that saves them money. Discount golf clubs can be very important to a golfer. Some golf club sets can cost a few hundred dollars, and with the right discount in place a person can save a great deal of money. So how can a person find discounts? Well, there are a number of ways to get discounts. One place you may look, is in your local paper for coupons that will give you discounts on golf clubs. This method however can be limited on your location and the possibility that you have no sports stores and such. Another popular way is to look for online coupons codes and promotions for golf clubs that the retailer might have. Some coupons might be "Get 20% off on all Callaway golf clubs this week", and others could be "Buy a Wilson Driver and get a complimentary Putter". Using search engines to find discounts has become quite popular also. You can type in a phrase and a list of matches will come up. Try "reduced price golf clubs" in yahoo search and you will notice 576,000 matches. Out of 576 thousand matches you are bound to find at least 1 discount offer that will make you smile. Usually, the higher the price the larger the discount. A store will not often sell a set of clubs that is already cheap, at a cheaper price. The most common way to find discounts is probably the "walk-in". This refers to when you got to a store to buy some golf clubs and then suddenly you notice a discount sign. The discount sign then reinforces your confidence to buy the set. This, however, may sometimes be a clever trick. It is true that there are many different types of discounts, but many of them can be fake. A fake discount is a discount that really does not save you money, but creates the illusion of it. Some are familiar with this technique, while others have no idea it exists. This is usually not done among large retailers as it would be bad for business, because they are so widely known. A smaller golf store will sometimes put up a discount sign, along with stickers on all the objects just to make them seem like they are offering a good deal. For example, "Wilson Drivers marked down from $89.99 to $59.99", although they have always been $59.99. This will create the illusion that if the customer doesn't get it now it may not be available at that price again. This is also done online, but in a more sneaky manner. An online retailer may offer a great price on a set of clubs that seems dramatically reduced in price, but they can make that up in the shipping price. As we all know, shipping price varies from place to place and the weight of the package. Most customer are not certified postal workers (UPS, Fed-Ex, etc.), so they will have no clue if they are being ripped of on the price or not. Of course there are signs of this, but the websites, that know what they are doing, will not be easy to spot. So instead of going out and buying the first discounted set of golf clubs you see, take some time with your purchase. Ask the cashier questions and find out everything you can, they probably aren't fond of questioning, but that's their job. A number of websites will tell you where to get good deals, on the golf club set you are going to buy, so don't hesitate to use the World Wide Web, its there to help. Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Golf-Swing-Improvement.com. He provides more golf swing tips, putting tips and discount golf clubs that you can research in your pajamas on his website. |
 Article Page Main Golf Articles Golf Sites Featured Article Discount Golf Clubs VS Branded Golf Clubs Author: David Faulkner If you are in need of new golf clubs, and you are not quite sure of what kind you want to buy, then it is a good idea to read through this article first before making your decision. With a mere few minutes of reading, we might be able to save you a lot of unnecessary spending. Everyone on the course is talking about the new model of golf clubs that just came out in the market. If you buy that set, you will most certainly be the envy of your friends, and you will be walking proudly on the golf course, brandishing your luxurious new clubs. On the other hand, there are several discount golf clubs that are being sold in the golf supplies store. Buying those discount golf clubs will not give you more prestige on the course, but you will definitely be saving a lot of your hard-earned cash. The novelty of having classy golf clubs will fade in time, and by then, will your game have improved because of the expensive clubs? It's possible, but to do that, you would have to practice almost everyday. If you are the typical working individual who just likes to golf on the weekends, let's face it an expensive golf club will not do much to enhance your game. Discount golf clubs may not be as impressive, but you can still do a lot with them, especially if you find a set that is quite good. Discount golf clubs are not necessarily substandard. You just have to look with a discriminating eye. You might even find secondhand discount golf clubs that are actually branded. Many stores will sell you an entire set of discount golf clubs at a price equal to the cost of just one of the more expensive golf clubs. If you're lucky, the store owner may even give you a golf bag at no additional cost. Of course, discount golf clubs are not as perfect as those used by professional golfers. But who would really notice? Other golfers on the course will probably not even be interested in what kind of golf clubs you use. The more important thing is how you play, and whether you are having fun on the links. Unless you are trying for the professional ranks, discount golf clubs will do just fine for your weekend golf sessions. Many recreational golfers are lured into buying expensive golf clubs in the hopes of playing a better game. But you know better. Playing a good game with discount golf clubs is definitely better than executing poor shots with a more recent but inferior model.
 Article Page Main Golf Articles Golf Sites Featured Article Discount Golf Clubs VS Branded Golf Clubs Author: David Faulkner If you are in need of new golf clubs, and you are not quite sure of what kind you want to buy, then it is a good idea to read through this article first before making your decision. With a mere few minutes of reading, we might be able to save you a lot of unnecessary spending. Everyone on the course is talking about the new model of golf clubs that just came out in the market. If you buy that set, you will most certainly be the envy of your friends, and you will be walking proudly on the golf course, brandishing your luxurious new clubs. On the other hand, there are several discount golf clubs that are being sold in the golf supplies store. Buying those discount golf clubs will not give you more prestige on the course, but you will definitely be saving a lot of your hard-earned cash. The novelty of having classy golf clubs will fade in time, and by then, will your game have improved because of the expensive clubs? It's possible, but to do that, you would have to practice almost everyday. If you are the typical working individual who just likes to golf on the weekends, let's face it an expensive golf club will not do much to enhance your game. Discount golf clubs may not be as impressive, but you can still do a lot with them, especially if you find a set that is quite good. Discount golf clubs are not necessarily substandard. You just have to look with a discriminating eye. You might even find secondhand discount golf clubs that are actually branded. Many stores will sell you an entire set of discount golf clubs at a price equal to the cost of just one of the more expensive golf clubs. If you're lucky, the store owner may even give you a golf bag at no additional cost. Of course, discount golf clubs are not as perfect as those used by professional golfers. But who would really notice? Other golfers on the course will probably not even be interested in what kind of golf clubs you use. The more important thing is how you play, and whether you are having fun on the links. Unless you are trying for the professional ranks, discount golf clubs will do just fine for your weekend golf sessions. Many recreational golfers are lured into buying expensive golf clubs in the hopes of playing a better game. But you know better. Playing a good game with discount golf clubs is definitely better than executing poor shots with a more recent but inferior model.
 Article Page Main Golf Articles Golf Sites Featured Article Used Golf Clubs - Check Your Used Golf Clubs Whip And Twist Author: Martin Haworth What might look the used golf club bargain deal of the month to you, as it stares out appealingly to you from the golf shop display, might not be all it seems. One pitfall for buyers of used golf clubs, especially if they are a bit inexperienced, is to be seduced by looks rather than the technical aspects of the clubs. So, it is always important to understand whether they will be suitable for you and your capabilities and style of play. Because what looks a bargain, may not always be as it seems. It is worth checking for more. Used Golf Clubs - Do The Twist! The 'twist' in a set of used golf clubs is a measure of how good you will have to be to get the best out of them. How can that be, the clubs are dictating to me that I have to be of a certain standard before I can use them then? Yes, that's right! The whip is where there is movement between the grip of the club and the head. By holding the grip in one hand and the head in the other, you can see just how much twist there is in the club. Generally the twist in one club in a set is similar. When you buy a set of used golf clubs, it's important to check this 'twist' effect out. The more the twist between the head of the club and the shaft (of which you are holding the grip), the greater the possibility there is to hit the ball out of line as the head hits the ball. If there is less twist, then you are more likely to have a better chance to hit the ball straight. Used Golf Clubs - How Much Whip Is Good? There is yet another thing you need to check on when buying a set of used golf clubs. Some clubs have a built in problem that makes them quite challenging to use. If you take hold of the grip of the club and waggle it quickly and sharply backwards and forwards, you will be able to see just how much the club head moves differently from the grip end. If there is a lot of 'whip', then you can imagine how difficult it can be to control. Sometimes you might be very interested in a set of used golf clubs, with large heads at the end of the shaft. With these clubs with the heavy head, you might think that will be a benefit. The problem is that these clubs can be more difficult to control and can be quite unforgiving if you are slightly off line. It's worth paying attention to this possible variation in the used golf clubs you might be thinking of buying, because, whatever the bargain, if you are not ready yet in terms of your capability, you might find you play even worse than you did with your older, much more controllable clubs.
 Article Page Main Golf Articles Golf Sites Featured Article Used Golf Clubs - Check Your Used Golf Clubs Whip And Twist Author: Martin Haworth What might look the used golf club bargain deal of the month to you, as it stares out appealingly to you from the golf shop display, might not be all it seems. One pitfall for buyers of used golf clubs, especially if they are a bit inexperienced, is to be seduced by looks rather than the technical aspects of the clubs. So, it is always important to understand whether they will be suitable for you and your capabilities and style of play. Because what looks a bargain, may not always be as it seems. It is worth checking for more. Used Golf Clubs - Do The Twist! The 'twist' in a set of used golf clubs is a measure of how good you will have to be to get the best out of them. How can that be, the clubs are dictating to me that I have to be of a certain standard before I can use them then? Yes, that's right! The whip is where there is movement between the grip of the club and the head. By holding the grip in one hand and the head in the other, you can see just how much twist there is in the club. Generally the twist in one club in a set is similar. When you buy a set of used golf clubs, it's important to check this 'twist' effect out. The more the twist between the head of the club and the shaft (of which you are holding the grip), the greater the possibility there is to hit the ball out of line as the head hits the ball. If there is less twist, then you are more likely to have a better chance to hit the ball straight. Used Golf Clubs - How Much Whip Is Good? There is yet another thing you need to check on when buying a set of used golf clubs. Some clubs have a built in problem that makes them quite challenging to use. If you take hold of the grip of the club and waggle it quickly and sharply backwards and forwards, you will be able to see just how much the club head moves differently from the grip end. If there is a lot of 'whip', then you can imagine how difficult it can be to control. Sometimes you might be very interested in a set of used golf clubs, with large heads at the end of the shaft. With these clubs with the heavy head, you might think that will be a benefit. The problem is that these clubs can be more difficult to control and can be quite unforgiving if you are slightly off line. It's worth paying attention to this possible variation in the used golf clubs you might be thinking of buying, because, whatever the bargain, if you are not ready yet in terms of your capability, you might find you play even worse than you did with your older, much more controllable clubs.
 Article Page Main Golf Sites Featured Article Find Golf Clubs , Balls and More from the Top Golf Equipment Brands Author: Sarah Freeland The top golf equipment brands have been manufacturing quality golf equipment, from golf clubs and golf balls to golf bags and golf training aids, for years, so they have been continually perfecting the design and performance of such golf equipment. In recent years, as more women have taken up golf, these top brands have also designed top-notch golf equipment specifically to suit a woman's distinct needs. For the top names in golf clubs, turn to brands like Callaway, TaylorMade, Lynx, Titleist, Cobra, Ping, Mizuno, Wilson, Adams, Cleveland, MacGregor, Nike, Spaulding and more. These top golf club manufacturers offer a wide range of top-quality golf clubs for golfers of any age or skill level. Many golfers may not know that there also is a difference among the types and brands of golf balls; for example, some golf balls are of a smaller weight to be used by female golfers. To find a golf ball that suits your skill level and needs, try Dunlop, MaxFli, Callaway, Nike, Pinnacle, Precept, Prostaff, Slazenger, Srixon, Titleist, Top Flite, and Wilson. Another essential piece of golf equipment is your golf bag. A good-quality golf bag will protect your golf clubs from wear and tear throughout several seasons. For the top brands in golf bags, look for Bag boy, Club Glove, Mizuno, Burton and more. The top golf equipment brands also make accessories to complement your golf gear. Find anything from convenient golf ball totes to golf training aids that are designed to strengthen and improve your game. Are you in the market for golf equipment? Fore Her Golf carries golf travel bag and accessories with a feminine appeal including polo shirts, skirts, shoes, hats and outerwear from top brands - also a great selection of unique golf gifts and memorabilia for the lady golfer in your life. Fore Her Golf is your source for women's golf supplies and gifts, products reviews and recommendations as well as game tips and training techniques. For more information on golfing and other recreational activities visit the golf directory. |
 Article Page Main Golf Sites Featured Article Find Golf Clubs , Balls and More from the Top Golf Equipment Brands Author: Sarah Freeland The top golf equipment brands have been manufacturing quality golf equipment, from golf clubs and golf balls to golf bags and golf training aids, for years, so they have been continually perfecting the design and performance of such golf equipment. In recent years, as more women have taken up golf, these top brands have also designed top-notch golf equipment specifically to suit a woman's distinct needs. For the top names in golf clubs, turn to brands like Callaway, TaylorMade, Lynx, Titleist, Cobra, Ping, Mizuno, Wilson, Adams, Cleveland, MacGregor, Nike, Spaulding and more. These top golf club manufacturers offer a wide range of top-quality golf clubs for golfers of any age or skill level. Many golfers may not know that there also is a difference among the types and brands of golf balls; for example, some golf balls are of a smaller weight to be used by female golfers. To find a golf ball that suits your skill level and needs, try Dunlop, MaxFli, Callaway, Nike, Pinnacle, Precept, Prostaff, Slazenger, Srixon, Titleist, Top Flite, and Wilson. Another essential piece of golf equipment is your golf bag. A good-quality golf bag will protect your golf clubs from wear and tear throughout several seasons. For the top brands in golf bags, look for Bag boy, Club Glove, Mizuno, Burton and more. The top golf equipment brands also make accessories to complement your golf gear. Find anything from convenient golf ball totes to golf training aids that are designed to strengthen and improve your game. Are you in the market for golf equipment? Fore Her Golf carries golf travel bag and accessories with a feminine appeal including polo shirts, skirts, shoes, hats and outerwear from top brands - also a great selection of unique golf gifts and memorabilia for the lady golfer in your life. Fore Her Golf is your source for women's golf supplies and gifts, products reviews and recommendations as well as game tips and training techniques. For more information on golfing and other recreational activities visit the golf directory. |
 Article Page Main Golf Sites Featured Article Essential Information On Choosing The Best Golf Clubs To Suit Your Game Author: Keith Kingston Most golfers, whether a beginner or a pro, struggle when trying to decide which golf club to buy. The buying process becomes easier when the consumer has a good understanding of the types of golf clubs available and their specific use. Your playing (and thus your staying) power is greatly enhanced by choosing the proper golf clubs. For the novice golfer, the basic set of golf clubs consists of drivers, wedges, putters and irons. Using the proper type of golf club will help the beginner learn quickly and achieve results. Each different type of club is designed to help with swing speed and to correct faults to improve your game and your score. In addition to clubs, a wide variety of accessories are also available, many of which are necessities and others that are "just for looks." One absolute necessity is a golf bag to assist you or your caddy in moving from green to green, and of course, golf balls. Another must is a pair of golf shoes to help stabilize your body so you can achieve the perfect swing. Other accessories include golf gloves, a golf cap, clothing, and covers for your golf clubs to protect them from the elements or while stored. There are many variations in the types and styles of golf clubs and their uses. For example, if you're trying to make a shorter shot, irons may be your best bet. Irons are usually available in sets that include several different sizes. You must also take into consideration the style, size, and type of material used to make the golf club shaft. One of the less expensive materials is steel. Clubs with a steel shaft weigh more but can be longer-lasting than other types. The steel shaft may also give you more control over those fast swings. If you choose a graphite shaft, it will be lighter than steel but will be more costly. This type of club is used for long distance shots or for slower swingers. Most golf clubs are available with both steel and graphite shafts. The flexibility of a shaft is referred to as flex, or bend. The less the bend in a shaft, the more control the powerful swinger will have. On the other hand, beginners and those with less powerful swings generally use a shaft with greater flexibility. The average swing speed is from 65 miles per hour for the beginner up to over 100 miles per hour for powerful swingers. The goal when buying golf clubs should be to own the best golf clubs you can afford, whether they are name brands, used, or a reproduction of one of the name brands. Golf clubs can be purchased at many different types of establishments such as discount stores, buying clubs, specialty shops, catalogs, or the Internet, which offers an almost limitless variety of clubs and bargains, including used golf clubs. The cost of the golf club depends on the type and where it is purchased. Retail stores and catalogs have pre-season, post-season and regular sales, but since someone, somewhere, has the perfect climate in which to play golf at any given time of the year, you may find it difficult to find a true bargain. Internet shopping offers excellent prices throughout the year, and in many cases shipping is free. Golf club replicas are very good bargains if you compare their features to the originals. Many, many types of merchandise are duplicated, or cloned, so be sure the set of clubs you buy have not been illegally duplicated. Most anytime is the perfect time for most golfers and "wannabe" golfers to play, so take advantage of the large variety of clubs and bargains to be found, and don't wait another day to start buying your golf clubs. About The Author
Keith Kingston is a professional web publisher who offers advice and reviews on golfing equipment for all levels http://www.4-cheap-golf-clubs.com/ " target=new>http://www.4-cheap-golf-clubs.com/ ...
 Article Page Main Golf Sites Featured Article EGGcellent Ways To Recycle Egg Cartons Author: CountryVariety.com Money Container - Use old egg cartons to store your change for garage and yard sales. Egg cartons are good for this because you can separate all the change and it is easy to get to. Golf Ball Storage - Egg cartons make a great place to store extra golf balls. It makes it easy to sort by brand and condition and they are stackable so they can be stored neatly. Travel Helper - Use egg cartons for travel, to hold small items like earrings, necklaces, sewing notions, etc; weave needle thru the inside top cover so as not to lose it in your suitcase. Hold together with large rubber band. Waste Paper Basket Make wastebaskets from egg cartons. Cut off tops. Then poke holes on the flap that is used to close the carton. Then take ribbon and tie each carton to the next. Takes 8 cartons to make a circle. The plastic bags from Wal-Mart or the grocery store fit into these nicely. Makes a great waste paper basket. Craft Helping Hand - When working with small round items, I often use an egg carton to old the item while I paint one side, or just as a holder while they dry. It keeps those little round things from rolling away. Fire Starters Fill the paper egg cartons with dryer lint, and then pore melted wax over the lint. You can tear apart the sections and use for fire starters when you are camping, or in your fireplace. I use left over candle pieces for the melted wax. Charcoal Fire Starter - Similar to the idea above for fire starters... Using a cardboard egg carton, fill each section with melted wax so that it's about 1/3 full. Place a piece of charcoal (one briquette) in the wax. Close the carton and place on a shelf until you're ready to use. To use, remove the top of the carton, and place the bottom half in the grill. Light the carton. Wait a few minutes and then add more charcoal. This will eliminate the need for lighter fluid. Candles - Make scented candles. Melt wax in a double boiler. Add scents (from a candle shop) and old crayons for colour. Put the wick in the bottom of each eggcup. Tie on a small washer to keep it on the bottom. Pour in the wax, holding up the wick. After wax has set, remove the eggcup. Plant Containers or Seed Starters - Poke a few holes in the bottom for drainage. Fill about 3/4 with potting soil and vermiculite. Plant seeds and set in a sunny window. Jewellery Organizer - Paint or cover with fabric. Store any small pieces of jewellery, rings, earrings, chains, cuff links, etc. Desk Organizer - Remove the top and place inside a desk drawer to hold small items, like paper clips, rubber bands, push pins, etc. Paint or decorate if you want to place it on a desktop where it will be seen. Christmas Decoration Storage - Line cups with cotton, foam, or tissue paper and store small Christmas tree bulbs and ornaments in each cup. Palette - Use the Styrofoam kind for watercolours or acrylics to hold colours. Detach top of carton and use for mixing colours. Craft Storage - Is your craftwork area a nightmare? Use an egg carton to store all those little pieces you don't want to loose track of while you're working. Cheap Ice Cube Trays - Use plastic egg cartons to make extra ice. Game / Toy Storage Does it drive you eggstra crazy when those little pieces keep getting lost? Use a carton to store doll shoes, game pieces, dice, Lego, etc Ball Toss - Give number values to each cup in an egg carton bottom - 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100s. Try to achieve your best total score by bouncing three ping-pong balls into the cups. Packing Material - If you often mail fragile things, simply cut up clean egg cartons to make lightweight packing material to protect the contents of your mailing packages. About The Author: Shelley Borle is a Virtual Assistant, Writer & Most Importantly Nick & Matt's Mom. Website www.CountryVariety.com Email shelley@countryvariety.com ... |
 Article Page Main Golf Sites Featured Article EGGcellent Ways To Recycle Egg Cartons Author: CountryVariety.com Money Container - Use old egg cartons to store your change for garage and yard sales. Egg cartons are good for this because you can separate all the change and it is easy to get to. Golf Ball Storage - Egg cartons make a great place to store extra golf balls. It makes it easy to sort by brand and condition and they are stackable so they can be stored neatly. Travel Helper - Use egg cartons for travel, to hold small items like earrings, necklaces, sewing notions, etc; weave needle thru the inside top cover so as not to lose it in your suitcase. Hold together with large rubber band. Waste Paper Basket Make wastebaskets from egg cartons. Cut off tops. Then poke holes on the flap that is used to close the carton. Then take ribbon and tie each carton to the next. Takes 8 cartons to make a circle. The plastic bags from Wal-Mart or the grocery store fit into these nicely. Makes a great waste paper basket. Craft Helping Hand - When working with small round items, I often use an egg carton to old the item while I paint one side, or just as a holder while they dry. It keeps those little round things from rolling away. Fire Starters Fill the paper egg cartons with dryer lint, and then pore melted wax over the lint. You can tear apart the sections and use for fire starters when you are camping, or in your fireplace. I use left over candle pieces for the melted wax. Charcoal Fire Starter - Similar to the idea above for fire starters... Using a cardboard egg carton, fill each section with melted wax so that it's about 1/3 full. Place a piece of charcoal (one briquette) in the wax. Close the carton and place on a shelf until you're ready to use. To use, remove the top of the carton, and place the bottom half in the grill. Light the carton. Wait a few minutes and then add more charcoal. This will eliminate the need for lighter fluid. Candles - Make scented candles. Melt wax in a double boiler. Add scents (from a candle shop) and old crayons for colour. Put the wick in the bottom of each eggcup. Tie on a small washer to keep it on the bottom. Pour in the wax, holding up the wick. After wax has set, remove the eggcup. Plant Containers or Seed Starters - Poke a few holes in the bottom for drainage. Fill about 3/4 with potting soil and vermiculite. Plant seeds and set in a sunny window. Jewellery Organizer - Paint or cover with fabric. Store any small pieces of jewellery, rings, earrings, chains, cuff links, etc. Desk Organizer - Remove the top and place inside a desk drawer to hold small items, like paper clips, rubber bands, push pins, etc. Paint or decorate if you want to place it on a desktop where it will be seen. Christmas Decoration Storage - Line cups with cotton, foam, or tissue paper and store small Christmas tree bulbs and ornaments in each cup. Palette - Use the Styrofoam kind for watercolours or acrylics to hold colours. Detach top of carton and use for mixing colours. Craft Storage - Is your craftwork area a nightmare? Use an egg carton to store all those little pieces you don't want to loose track of while you're working. Cheap Ice Cube Trays - Use plastic egg cartons to make extra ice. Game / Toy Storage Does it drive you eggstra crazy when those little pieces keep getting lost? Use a carton to store doll shoes, game pieces, dice, Lego, etc Ball Toss - Give number values to each cup in an egg carton bottom - 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100s. Try to achieve your best total score by bouncing three ping-pong balls into the cups. Packing Material - If you often mail fragile things, simply cut up clean egg cartons to make lightweight packing material to protect the contents of your mailing packages. About The Author: Shelley Borle is a Virtual Assistant, Writer & Most Importantly Nick & Matt's Mom. Website www.CountryVariety.com Email shelley@countryvariety.com ... |
 Article Page Main Golf Sites Featured Article Do You Have A One-Plane Or Two-Plane Swing? Author: Jack Moorehouse - The concept of plane confuses some players. It also confuses some players that come to me for golf lessons. Many are unclear about what it is and what its impact is on your golf swing. Whether you understand the concept of plane or not, swinging off plane is never good.
Focusing on two pointsspine angle at address and the position of the left arm on the downswingclears up the confusion about swing plane and explains its effect on your golf swing and your golf handicap.
Several reasons exist for swinging off plane. Picking the club up with your hands or rolling the clubface open during the swing are two. The most common reason for swinging off plane is adopting the wrong spine angle at address, as I've often pointed out in my golf tips,
Spine angle forms the natural axis around which your shoulders should turn at a 90-degree angle. The spine angle you set at address is critical because it decides the shape and plane of your swing. It's the reason why I focus on adopting the proper spine angle in my golf instruction sessions.
If a player tilts too far over at address, the flatter spine angle causes the shoulders to "tilt" during the swing. As a result, your left arm comes off your chest during your swing, your backswing becomes upright, and your swing plane too steep. Fat shots, deep divots, and pulls and slices are symptoms of a steep plane.
If a player leans too far back at address, the more erect spine angle causes the shoulders to flatten during the swing. As a result, your left arm squeezes too tightly against your chest, your backswing becomes flatter, and your swing plane too shallow. Hitting behind the ball, thin shots, and loss of power are symptoms of a shallow plane.
Keep in mind that a taller player has a naturally steeper swing plane than a shorter person does, and a shorter player has a naturally flatter swing plane than a taller person does.
While your shoulder turn and arm swing are related, a good backswing requires a left arm swing that's on a slightly higher plane than your shoulders. This arm angle allows your shoulders to have more of a free passage to the ball on the downswing. If your left arm swing is off, you'll automatically be on the wrong plane with your swing will be off.
Here's a test I use in my golf lessons to tell if a player is on plane with his/her swing. Take a club, assume your normal posture, and swing to the top. Hold that position for a second. Now, loosen your grip and let the shaft fall.
If the shaft hits you on the top of the right shoulder, your swing is on plane. If it hits you on the head or neck, your swing plane is too steep. Conversely, if it falls behind your back without hitting your body, your swing plane is too shallow.
Employing a simple move at the top of your backswing ensures that you're taking the right swing plane as you start into the downswing. As you begin your downswing shift your weight onto your left foot while, at the same time, bringing your right elbow back down to your body. Remember to retain the angle of your wrist as you complete this move. It's the seat of power and the key to maximum distance.
As the weight shifts to the left and the elbow drops down, the club falls automatically into the right slot for the correct swing plane. This movement flattens the swing ever so slightly. It's the ideal position from which to swing the club down at the ball, delivering the clubhead squarely to the ball.
In essence you're actually employing two swing planes to hit the ball correctly, one slightly different than the other. The first comes from executing the correct take away. The second from dropping down your right elbow just before the downswing.
That slightly different swing plane is crucial. It runs right through the correct angle of your spine, the natural axis around which your shoulders should turn, enabling you to deliver a clean crisp blow to the ball with a square clubhead and good power. And that's the goal of all golf instruction on swing plane.
I hope this article clears up the confusion about swing planes. If you work on taking the club back on the right plane and on dropping your right elbow down during your swing, you'll see results. That, in turn, will help you lower both your individual golf scores and your golf handicap. Article Source : http://www.articledashboard.com Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book "How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros ." He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately. ... |
 Article Page Main Golf Sites Featured Article Don't Be a Browse and Run Victim Author: Robert Olson Do you get a fair amount of traffic? Maybe, you are getting thousands of hits each day but your visitors are leaving empty handed. If this sounds like your website, you could be a Browse and Run Victim! With little or no sales, you know what it means. You risk losing everything you have invested and for some that can be alot. You can fix that browse and run problem with just a few sales making strategies.
Most people believe they have a really great website and sometimes, they have every imaginable bell and whistle. Some people have what they feel are very professional looking sites. When visitors arrive, they begin telling them all about their company in great detail. These sites can be very business looking but with sales at a trickle. Then there are some people who are real pros at getting great search engine rankings. They may bring visitors in by the thousands but they are still unable to make those needed sales.
Do you feel that you are a Browse and Run Victim? It is so frustrating when you can almost hear the clicks as your visitors leave only moments after arriving. It leaves a person wondering why sales are so low and that's what we need to take a good hard look at. To help solve this problem, let's examine the visitor and the site where sales are no problem!
People generally arrive at a site with the aid of a search engine, some form of advertising or maybe a signature file. The person who buys, has immediately found what they came for. From the time they arrived, benefits of the product or service filled the air, pumping their desire to buy. More minor benefits with a call to action of..... 'buy now' filled the visitors head.
A link to a company information page gave the visitor some background and contact information. With added confidence, security and the desire to buy built in since arrival, the visitor heads for the order page. Here the visitor found many secure ordering options, making the purchase quick and simple.... and happily, after making the purchase, the buyer surfs on. Within a few minutes, this buyer receives a confirmation email giving assurance that the purchase would arrive shortly or giving download instructions.
Have you ever clicked on a link for a particular item and found a maze? Sometimes, you never find the actual item that was advertisied and this is a real mistake. If you are advertising High Flying Golf Balls, take me straight to that page. Hit me with a powerful headline then pour out the benefits. Continue pouring out those benefits until you make me want to go out and hit those balls right now! Now, if I am interested, I will click on a link and check out your company. Don't tell me all about your company from the moment I arrive.... that's not what I came for! Tell me about what I came for and there is a much better chance that I will buy from you!
It may take a little more work to make content rich pages for various products and services but the benefits are great. They make great doorway pages that can give excellent search engine rankings.... plus your visitors can go straight to what they came for! Remember that these have to be sales pages. This means that you have to have them filled with professional sales material.
If this isn't part of your expertise, you have a choice to make. Either you learn to write hard hitting sales material or you need to hire a professional! If you have to, make a few changes to your website. Let your ads direct your visitors right to what they want to find and if you will make sure there is hard hitting sales copy on these pages, you won't have to worry about being a Browse and Run Victim anymore.
About the AuthorRobert Olson Publishes FreeWebPromote a Free Tutorail Newsletter. Visit out site and Place Free Ads on 4600 Adsites with One Insertion Plus get Loads of Free Items! http://freeyellow.com/members8/freewebpromote/page17.html ... |
 Article Page Main Golf Sites Featured Article Does Your Junior Golfer Need A Sport Psychologist? Author: Jeff Troesch "My son gets so angry on the golf course that he cannot perform in competitions". "My daughter gets so nervous when other people are watching her play that her game completely falls apart". "My kid hits it so well on the range, and then hits it all over the map in a tournament". These are the kinds of comments that I often hear from parents of junior golfers. Do these kids need a golf psychologist? No. Nobody needs training on the mental part of the game. I take the word need very seriously. I believe we need air and water and sleep and food. I certainly wouldn't suggest that anyone needs mental training, anymore than I would suggest that anyone needs golf lessons or physical training. What I would say, however, is that I have yet to encounter any player who couldn't benefit from proper mental, technical, or physical instruction. Thus, I believe any junior golfer could benefit from mental instruction. Most people simply don't understand what this training is or how it works. When I ask parents what percentage of their kid's golf game is mental, I rarely get a number less than 75%. Conversely, when I ask those same people what percentage of their child's training time is devoted to working on the mental game the answer is rarely greater than zero. And while parents see the "problem" with their child's mental game, the young player doesn't know how to work on the mental game and the parents don't know where to look for answers to their questions. "What exactly do you do?" Most people outside of sport have never heard of sport psychology, and many people in sport have little knowledge about the nature of the job itself. In a nutshell, golf psychology- or mental training for golf- is consultation and education that exposes a player to the requisite mental skills necessary to create an internal environment to enjoy the sport more and achieve excellence in performance. These skills are in conjunction with, but not contrary to, the mechanical and physical instruction that might be given by a swing coach or fitness trainer. Here's what it's all about: Among other things, mental training for golf is to help: Understand how to deal with lapses in concentration Deal with situations of accumulating frustration Develop coping strategies to deal with increasing anxiety Improve decreasing motivation Examine and reinforce slipping confidence Create strategies to reduce breakdowns under pressure Craft procedures to increase consistency of preparation and play Generally the process first involves some type of assessment. Next, there is a period of education and skill development, followed by on-going follow-up and adjustments. The specifics of the actual mental training will vary from player to player, with the vast majority of interaction and consultation done via telephone, on the golf course, at the range, or on the putting green. The added benefit for junior golfers is that the training typically also has positive life effects. Understanding the power of one's thinking, learning how to differentiate those things over which we have control from those over which we do not have control, deepening an understanding of how to take responsibility for our actions and our reactions to events are among the many, many golf/life issues explored and addressed. Ultimately, the more the junior player knows him or herself, the more they understand the nuances of the game, and the more they have specific strategies to apply, the more they will be successful in golf and in life! Jeff Troesch, MA, LMHC is an internationally recognized expert in the mental side of golf. As the former Director of Sport Psychology for the David Leadbetter Golf Academies, Jeff has worked with thousands of golfers nationwide and brings a wealth of experience to seasoned golf professionals as well as the recreational golf lover. You may contact Jeff directly through his website, http://www.fitnessforgolf.com " http://www.fitnessforgolf.com. ... |
 Article Page Main Golf Sites Featured Article Does Your Junior Golfer Need A Sport Psychologist? Author: Jeff Troesch "My son gets so angry on the golf course that he cannot perform in competitions". "My daughter gets so nervous when other people are watching her play that her game completely falls apart". "My kid hits it so well on the range, and then hits it all over the map in a tournament". These are the kinds of comments that I often hear from parents of junior golfers. Do these kids need a golf psychologist? No. Nobody needs training on the mental part of the game. I take the word need very seriously. I believe we need air and water and sleep and food. I certainly wouldn't suggest that anyone needs mental training, anymore than I would suggest that anyone needs golf lessons or physical training. What I would say, however, is that I have yet to encounter any player who couldn't benefit from proper mental, technical, or physical instruction. Thus, I believe any junior golfer could benefit from mental instruction. Most people simply don't understand what this training is or how it works. When I ask parents what percentage of their kid's golf game is mental, I rarely get a number less than 75%. Conversely, when I ask those same people what percentage of their child's training time is devoted to working on the mental game the answer is rarely greater than zero. And while parents see the "problem" with their child's mental game, the young player doesn't know how to work on the mental game and the parents don't know where to look for answers to their questions. "What exactly do you do?" Most people outside of sport have never heard of sport psychology, and many people in sport have little knowledge about the nature of the job itself. In a nutshell, golf psychology- or mental training for golf- is consultation and education that exposes a player to the requisite mental skills necessary to create an internal environment to enjoy the sport more and achieve excellence in performance. These skills are in conjunction with, but not contrary to, the mechanical and physical instruction that might be given by a swing coach or fitness trainer. Here's what it's all about: Among other things, mental training for golf is to help: Understand how to deal with lapses in concentration Deal with situations of accumulating frustration Develop coping strategies to deal with increasing anxiety Improve decreasing motivation Examine and reinforce slipping confidence Create strategies to reduce breakdowns under pressure Craft procedures to increase consistency of preparation and play Generally the process first involves some type of assessment. Next, there is a period of education and skill development, followed by on-going follow-up and adjustments. The specifics of the actual mental training will vary from player to player, with the vast majority of interaction and consultation done via telephone, on the golf course, at the range, or on the putting green. The added benefit for junior golfers is that the training typically also has positive life effects. Understanding the power of one's thinking, learning how to differentiate those things over which we have control from those over which we do not have control, deepening an understanding of how to take responsibility for our actions and our reactions to events are among the many, many golf/life issues explored and addressed. Ultimately, the more the junior player knows him or herself, the more they understand the nuances of the game, and the more they have specific strategies to apply, the more they will be successful in golf and in life! Jeff Troesch, MA, LMHC is an internationally recognized expert in the mental side of golf. As the former Director of Sport Psychology for the David Leadbetter Golf Academies, Jeff has worked with thousands of golfers nationwide and brings a wealth of experience to seasoned golf professionals as well as the recreational golf lover. You may contact Jeff directly through his website, http://www.fitnessforgolf.com " http://www.fitnessforgolf.com. ... |
 Article Page Main Golf Sites Featured Article Discount Golf Clubs VS Branded Golf Clubs Author: David Faulkner If you are in need of new golf clubs, and you are not quite sure of what kind you want to buy, then it is a good idea to read through this article first before making your decision. With a mere few minutes of reading, we might be able to save you a lot of unnecessary spending. Everyone on the course is talking about the new model of golf clubs that just came out in the market. If you buy that set, you will most certainly be the envy of your friends, and you will be walking proudly on the golf course, brandishing your luxurious new clubs. On the other hand, there are several discount golf clubs that are being sold in the golf supplies store. Buying those discount golf clubs will not give you more prestige on the course, but you will definitely be saving a lot of your hard-earned cash. The novelty of having classy golf clubs will fade in time, and by then, will your game have improved because of the expensive clubs? It's possible, but to do that, you would have to practice almost everyday. If you are the typical working individual who just likes to golf on the weekends, let's face it an expensive golf club will not do much to enhance your game. Discount golf clubs may not be as impressive, but you can still do a lot with them, especially if you find a set that is quite good. Discount golf clubs are not necessarily substandard. You just have to look with a discriminating eye. You might even find secondhand discount golf clubs that are actually branded. Many stores will sell you an entire set of discount golf clubs at a price equal to the cost of just one of the more expensive golf clubs. If you're lucky, the store owner may even give you a golf bag at no additional cost. Of course, discount golf clubs are not as perfect as those used by professional golfers. But who would really notice? Other golfers on the course will probably not even be interested in what kind of golf clubs you use. The more important thing is how you play, and whether you are having fun on the links. Unless you are trying for the professional ranks, discount golf clubs will do just fine for your weekend golf sessions. Many recreational golfers are lured into buying expensive golf clubs in the hopes of playing a better game. But you know better. Playing a good game with discount golf clubs is definitely better than executing poor shots with a more recent but inferior model.
 Article Page Main Golf Articles Golf Sites Featured Article Interested in Titleist Golf Clubs - Save Over $500 on Titleist Clone Golf Clubs Author: Dave Demink Introduction Various options are available for the individuals in regard to clone golf clubs. This is due to the fact that Titleist continues to be the most popular manufacturers of golf clubs in the globe. They also have huge advertising budgets. On account of these reasons, the clone golf clubs carry high amount of value with them. Purchasing The purchase of the clone golf clubs from an online seller, who has no professional staff, no retailing outlets and no huge advertising budgets, heightens the chances of the average golfers of taking advantage of the great value and, the power of golfing with the greatest of technologies. Many of the golfers do not have access for trying the expensive and branded golf clubs. But now, they have the option of trying the new technology by purchasing the less expensive clone golf clubs and save money. Information The individuals can access heaps of information about the clone golf clubs from various sources, by comparing them with there counterparts that are the clones . Some of the aspirants will find the products better and some will find the clone golf clubs having greater value. The information about the clone golf clubs is found in plenty in the markets, on account of the high prices of the name brand products in the current scenario. Information about all types of clone golf clubs, including those by name brand companies can also be sought from friends already into golfing. Want more information on Titleist clone golf clubs? Then visit our web site!
 Article Page Main Golf Sites Featured Article Discount Golf Clubs - Brand Name Clubs At An Affordable Price Author: Tim Gorman Every person is happy when they hear the word discount. Discount means that the object they are buying is not going to cost full price, so they in turn get a price that saves them money. Discount golf clubs can be very important to a golfer. Some golf club sets can cost a few hundred dollars, and with the right discount in place a person can save a great deal of money. So how can a person find discounts? Well, there are a number of ways to get discounts. One place you may look, is in your local paper for coupons that will give you discounts on golf clubs. This method however can be limited on your location and the possibility that you have no sports stores and such. Another popular way is to look for online coupons codes and promotions for golf clubs that the retailer might have. Some coupons might be "Get 20% off on all Callaway golf clubs this week", and others could be "Buy a Wilson Driver and get a complimentary Putter". Using search engines to find discounts has become quite popular also. You can type in a phrase and a list of matches will come up. Try "reduced price golf clubs" in yahoo search and you will notice 576,000 matches. Out of 576 thousand matches you are bound to find at least 1 discount offer that will make you smile. Usually, the higher the price the larger the discount. A store will not often sell a set of clubs that is already cheap, at a cheaper price. The most common way to find discounts is probably the "walk-in". This refers to when you got to a store to buy some golf clubs and then suddenly you notice a discount sign. The discount sign then reinforces your confidence to buy the set. This, however, may sometimes be a clever trick. It is true that there are many different types of discounts, but many of them can be fake. A fake discount is a discount that really does not save you money, but creates the illusion of it. Some are familiar with this technique, while others have no idea it exists. This is usually not done among large retailers as it would be bad for business, because they are so widely known. A smaller golf store will sometimes put up a discount sign, along with stickers on all the objects just to make them seem like they are offering a good deal. For example, "Wilson Drivers marked down from $89.99 to $59.99", although they have always been $59.99. This will create the illusion that if the customer doesn't get it now it may not be available at that price again. This is also done online, but in a more sneaky manner. An online retailer may offer a great price on a set of clubs that seems dramatically reduced in price, but they can make that up in the shipping price. As we all know, shipping price varies from place to place and the weight of the package. Most customer are not certified postal workers (UPS, Fed-Ex, etc.), so they will have no clue if they are being ripped of on the price or not. Of course there are signs of this, but the websites, that know what they are doing, will not be easy to spot. So instead of going out and buying the first discounted set of golf clubs you see, take some time with your purchase. Ask the cashier questions and find out everything you can, they probably aren't fond of questioning, but that's their job. A number of websites will tell you where to get good deals, on the golf club set you are going to buy, so don't hesitate to use the World Wide Web, its there to help. Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Golf-Swing-Improvement.com. He provides more golf swing tips, putting tips and discount golf clubs that you can research in your pajamas on his website. |
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